Deltag i Nexums interaktive webinarer om forandringsledelse, og få adgang til vores omfattende bibliotek med on-demand webinarer.
Deltag i Nexums interaktive webinarer om forandringsledelse, og få adgang til vores omfattende bibliotek med on-demand webinarer.
Langt de fleste projekter opnår ikke de forventede resultater, fordi den menneskelige påvirkning af disse projekter undervurderes eller overses. Og selv når man har øje for den menneskelige side af forandring, er man udsat for mange risici for fiasko. Hvis du ønsker at håndtere dem ordentligt, opfordrer vi dig til at bruge Prosci Project Change Triangle (PCT) modellen. Det er et samlet værktøj til at spore og styre de 4 aspekter af dit projekt: Ledelse, Sponsorat, Projektledelse og Forandringsledelse. I dette interaktive webinar vil du lære om PCT-modellen, og hvordan denne enkle, men virkningsfulde model kan bruges til at opnå klarhed og overensstemmelse om hvad en ændring har til formål at levere, og informere om handlinger, der kan forbedre projektets sundhed over tid.
Et projekt har brug for både den tekniske side og den menneskelige side for at blive en succes. Den tekniske side sikrer, at løsningerne udformes, udvikles og leveres effektivt. Den menneskelige side sikrer, at løsningen bliver taget imod, bliver anvendt og brugt effektivt. Så begge dele er vigtige. Men det kan nogle gange være en udfordring at bringe disse to discipliner sammen. Dette webinar ser på, hvordan man kan integrere forandringsledelse og projektledelse på tværs af fem dimensioner for at realisere projektets mål og dermed indfri den samlede værdi af forandringen.
Dette interaktive webinar bringer dig dybere ind i anvendelsen af den effektive Prosci ADKAR-model. Du vil lære, hvordan ADKAR-modellen anvendes fra personlig forandring til organisatorisk forandringsledelse. Hvordan bruges den til at forberede, udstyre og støtte enkeltpersoner gennem forandringer for at opnå organisatoriske resultater? Nogle af de emner, der behandles, er: Avancerede anvendelser på projektmilepæle, aktivering af nøgleroller, udstyring af personaleledere og seniorledere til at udfylde deres roller og som en ramme for måling af forandringsforløb.
Når vi taler om forandringer, tænker vi ofte på organisatorisk niveau - et nyt ERP-system, en ny hybrid arbejdsmodel, en fusion, en ny produktivitetspakke - men forandringer sker i sidste ende altid på individuelt niveau. Hvad er virkningen for Mathias, Khalid, Catherine eller Mads? At støtte folk gennem deres egen forandringsrejse og måle individuelle resultater kræver, at man definerer forandringens indvirkning for hver enkelt person. I dette nye webinar vil du lære, hvordan Prosci's 10 Aspects of Change Impact framework giver forandringseksperter et effektivt værktøj til at definere både det, der ændrer sig, og det, der ikke ændrer sig. Denne enkle og effektive tilgang til at definere den individuelle forandringseffekt kan bruges til at skabe bedre resultater.
Why do some changes fail while others succeed? That is the central question that sparked extensive research over 20 years ago resulting in the Prosci ADKAR Model™. Successful change is rooted in how to facilitate change with one person. In this interactive webinar, we will learn about the foundation and universal application of ADKAR and focus on unlocking individual barriers to change through Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. We will discuss ADKAR in the context of ‘who’ has to do their jobs differently and ‘how’ in order to drive better outcomes and sustainable organizational change.
In this first webinar in 2022, we address the question any Change Manager should ask themself before starting any new change initiative. Defining success is a critical first step for measuring change management's contribution to the success of your project. If you do not clearly describe how success looks like, you will have a hard time demonstrating the contribution of change management. In this webinar, we will review how to define success, what roles to involve in your organization, how to explain to your sponsor and what, how and when to measure.
You are probably familiar with the ADKAR® Model and the Prosci Methodology, but did you know that there is much more to this methodology? The Prosci Change Triangle (PCT) model, the Prosci 3-phase process and the ADKAR® model form the Prosci Methodology, which is used by over 80,000 change practitioners worldwide. In 2021, the Prosci Methodology has been updated to meet the evolving needs of clients. The core of the methodology remains the same, but the enhancements and tools make it more effective, actionable and accessible than ever. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just starting your career, join us in this webinar to learn how to achieve successful results using the enhanced Prosci methodology.
When we manage change, we manage people. And people are complicated creatures. One of those major complications is that we are not all the same. Culture interferes. So, if your change project crosses national, professional or organisational borders you can easily trip over cultural oddness you simply did not know about. In this webinar, we will introduce you to basic insights about culture as well a practical tool to apply cultural insight to change management work. Because basically – when we know our challenges, we can apply adaptations fairly painlessly. And since cultural aspects are considered to be very important by approximately 90% of change management practitioners, we should all gain from insights into how to tame this cultural beast.
Project Management and Change Management are two complementary disciplines with a common objective: driving successful transformation. But in a time when many transformation efforts fall short, how do both disciplines work hand in hand to deliver the greatest value proposition? Come and listen to the one-hour conversation between Ashwini Bakshi, Managing Director Europe & Sub-Saharan Africa, at Project Management Institute, and Caroline Mørck Jensen, CEO of Prosci Group, and learn how the integration of both disciplines can help you exceed your future project objectives
Discover some of the best new findings from Prosci’s Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition. We will review a variety of research-based topics and identify bite-sized, actionable insights to target specific challenges. Learn about the research process that has taken place over 20+ years and the data that comprises the largest body of knowledge on Change Management. Come hungry for innovative ideas and sample some new data that will satisfy your appetite to improve change outcomes.
There is widespread agreement that change is more successful when leaders move away from being constantly directive and instead, coach their employees and colleagues. Traditional performance reviews are moving to frequent discussions about work. These discussions are mutual explorations of how to make things better, rather than one-way streams of advice. Since current circumstances have changed the ease and frequency of people getting together face-to-face, in groups, the question has become, “Can you teach leaders to be better coaches virtually, when they are physically distant from each other?”
As you build your strategies and plans for 2021, let us have a deep look at the bedrock mindsets and the actions you can take to fuel the ambition to ‘change how we do change’. Organisations already building change capability are in a better position to meet the changing demands of a constantly shifting world. Others are discovering how essential building organisational change capability is key to continued recovery, resilience and growth.
In this interactive webinar, you will discover the foundation and universal application of the ADKAR Model for individual change. In other words, we answer the question: how can you use ADKAR to drive personal and professional change? The Prosci ADKAR is one of the most widely used change management models and it has enabled people all around the world to successfully move forward and drive better outcomes through Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement.
A project needs both the technical side and the people side to be a success. The technical side ensures that solutions are designed, developed, and delivered effectively. The people's side ensures that the solution is embraced, adopted, and used proficiently. So, both are important. But, bringing these two disciplines together can sometimes be a challenge. This webinar looks at how to integrate change management and project management across five dimensions to deliver benefit realization and a unified value proposition for change.
Organizations are slowly returning to the workplace. It has been a big change for us all. A big bang move from working together to working apart. In this webinar, we will explore why the return will be hybrid and discuss the ripples and ramifications. We will share insights from strategic change leaders in several organizations – both large and small – and how they plan to support, equip, and enable their people through the changes ahead.
Today, a project of change is underway, a second one is overlapping, a third one has been abandoned... Change happens all the time! Unfortunately, most of the time, there is saturation or even exhaustion of the teams in relation to change! Discover the keys to managing this saturation to change and managing your teams in this context of uncertainty.
Applying Change Management in an Agile environment presents exciting challenges for change practitioners. In this webinar, you will learn how the Prosci ADKAR Model, 3-Phase Process, and the Five Levers of Change Management come to life in a project using an Agile methodology. We will also explore findings from the research including common obstacles, sponsorship challenges, resistance management, and what to do differently. The webinar will be given in French by Nadia Fiems, Change Consultant and Expert in Agile Transformation and Céline Simon, Senior Change Consultant and Leader of the French Team.
Applying Change Management in an Agile environment presents exciting challenges for change practitioners. In this webinar, you will understand how to integrate Agile in your Change Management practices and learn how the Prosci ADKAR Model, 3-Phase Process, and the Five Levers of Change Management come to life in a project using an Agile methodology. We will also explore findings from the research including common obstacles, sponsorship challenges, resistance management, and what to do differently. The webinar will be given in English by Nadia Fiems, Change Consultant and Expert in Agile Transformation and Eric de Vries, Senior Change Consultant.
For those of you who may not be as familiar with the Prosci methodologies, research has been the core of the business since their inception in 1994. By studying what change leaders are doing that works well and what doesn’t, and how to implement change most effectively, best practices are derived and create repeatable, scalable ways to manage the people side of change. In this webinar, you will get a glimpse at the most recent insights about managing resistances out of the latest edition of Prosci ‘core study’, published in February of this year.
Managing change and the resistance that results from it is not easy, whether you are a team manager, a member of an HR department, or any other role in the company. The crisis and the release of containment we are going through are further proof of this. So how can we anticipate resistance? What tactics can be used to prevent them? How do I react when I have to deal with them? How do I communicate? After this webinar, you will be able to set up concrete actions to manage resistance in a collective or individual way. Icing on the cake, some actions are just as effective in private life! In this webinar, we will share with you good practices and tools that will help you prevent and deal with resistance, around a current topic: the release of the containment period.
This webinar will be a discussion on how to anticipate resistance, identify root causes of resistance, and engage the right resistance managers to ensure change success.
Supporting people through their change journey and measuring individual outcomes requires defining change impact for each person. In this webinar, learn how a Change Impact framework gives change practitioners a powerful tool to define both what is and what is not changing.
We are great at explaining the "what" of a change project or initiative, but we often don't focus on the one message that inspires people to take action: the "why" of the change. This webinar helps you to begin crafting your why and offers insights from others who are doing the same.
The Prosci ADKAR Model describes the five building blocks of successful change at the individual level. In times of change - whether at home, in the community or at work – people need Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement to successfully and sustainably change. This webinar presents the ADKAR Model in detail and walks you through applying the model to your own change. You will understand how to use ADKAR to pinpoint where you may be struggling with a change and how to overcome change challenges.